Meet Vent - The Only Friend Who's Never Too Busy To Talk

Jack Retterer

Jack Retterer

Hey there đź‘‹,

I'm Jack, one of the co-founders of Vent, and I'm very excited to share our product with you. I think you're really going to like it!

But before we talk about Vent, let's talk about why we think a product like Vent is necessary. It's all about connection. In a world where we're constantly connected, it's ironic (and sad) how many of us feel alone. Despite our phones buzzing with notifications, finding someone to really talk to—someone who'll listen without judgment—can be surprisingly hard. That's where Vent comes in. At Vent, we're on a mission to offer you convenient 24/7 emotional support.

Why Vent, Why Now?

We're big believers in mental wellness here at Vent and know access to support can be a significant barrier for many. Traditional therapy, while valuable, can be expensive, inaccessible and intimidating. Vent offers a low-barrier entry point by providing a safe, private environment to begin your journey toward emotional wellbeing.

We've also tackled the 'therapist matching' dilemma. Typically, a person meets with several therapists before finding the right fit – a process that's costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. Vent solves this by offering various AI personalities, each designed for different preferences. The best part? Each personality remembers your journey, so you never lose progress. It's like having a team of supportive friends, each with a unique perspective, ready to listen whenever you need them.

When you use Vent, you enter a judgment-free zone. Go ahead and say what you really think or what keeps you up at night. Vent never judges.

And Vent is not just for those struggling with mental health issues – Vent can help you brainstorm, plan, and reflect as well. Got goals you want to achieve? Vent is here to help. Through engaging conversations, you can sharpen your communication and storytelling abilities, making Vent a tool for personal growth as well as emotional support.

The Tech Behind the Talk

You've probably heard a lot about AI lately. While there's definitely some hype out there, we believe this technology has real potential to make a difference. We're using AI not because it's trendy, but because it allows us to offer a level of personalized support that wasn't possible before.

Our team has put in countless hours to ensure Vent understands you—your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors—in a safe and private way that feels natural and helpful.

Where We're Headed

Imagine a place where you can pour out your thoughts and feelings, and not only are you heard, but you're understood. A place that remembers you and your journey and helps you navigate it. That's what we're building with Vent.

We're also working on features to help you visualize your mental health journey, giving you insights into how you express yourself over time. It's like having a map of your emotional landscape.

Now, I want to be clear: we're not trying to replace in-person therapists. Think of us more as a friendly ear that's always available—a bridge between keeping it all inside and seeking professional help.

Join Our Journey

We're on a mission to make sure no one feels alone. Whether you're having a tough day, celebrating a win, or just need to think out loud, Vent is here to listen.

We're building more than just an app; we're nurturing a community where everyone has someone to turn to. Because sometimes, all you really need is someone to listen.

Ready to start a conversation?

Vent Now

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Co-founder and CEO, Vent

Please note that Vent is not a licensed therapist and is not intended to be used as a replacement for professional mental health services. Please reach out to a licensed professional if you are struggling with mental health issues.